it is more healthy (Vitamin D, lower CO2 concentration, different body posture, burn-out prevention)
by harnessing the solar energy, OOT reduces the CO2 trace of one's digital activities
outdoor activities are indispensable part of many artistic curricula
nature is beautiful!
During the June seminar "Gestaltung und Einsatz eines solarbetriebenen Online-Bildungsinstruments: Klang & Ton" students will build solar-driven, batteryless sound artefacts.
During the August Summer University seminar "Gestaltung und Einsatz eines solarbetriebenen Online-Bildungsinstruments: Papier & Tinte" students will build solar-driven, batteryless artefacts with electrophoretic (e-ink) displays.
In both cases, teacher will be outdoor (potentially walking, consistently with principles of Σχολή Περιπατητική), off-the-grid and shall communicate with students through combination of well-tailored open-source tools (Matrix Protocol, BigBlueButton / Freeswitch, teach.js) .
technisch-gestalterische Komplikationen
ich werde sie mithilfe meiner Studenten begegnen
vis maior
Problem: low bandwidth
Lösung: focus on audio and text-based protocols (matrix, "browse together")
Problem: Batterien sind keine ökologisch sub-optimal
Photovoltaik und Superkapazitoren
Kunst: Bildende Kunst (Malerei/Zeichnung/Skizze), Architektur, Netzmusik, kollaborative Dichterei
Naturwissenschaften: Botanik, Öko- und Umweltwissenschaften, Landwirtschaft
Geisteswissenschaften: Anthropologie, Geschichte/Archeologie, Philosophie
theoretische mathematisch-informatische Wissenschaften